Indra's Net is a collection of reflections, incidents, anecdotes, humor, satire, fiction, non-fiction, and lots of other writing knick-knacks. Feel free to browse around. Hopefully something will grab your attention.

This page is the clearing house for daily posts on the individual blogs.

The center column are thematic "meta" blogs, with links to individual blogs. Or, you can access the individual blogs directly on the left-hand column.


Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Holier Than Cow

Greetings from Belgium for the end of the Old Year.

Coming soon, to a Blog near you, New Posts after the New Year (and, a few changes to Indra's Net to look for as well). In the meantime, I have been stuck in this pose for a few days now in my apartment contemplating the New Posts. I call it the "Holier Than Cow" pose. Might need the Jaws of Life to help unstuck me...

Be Back Soon!

Happy New Year in the meantime.