Indra's Net is a collection of reflections, incidents, anecdotes, humor, satire, fiction, non-fiction, and lots of other writing knick-knacks. Feel free to browse around. Hopefully something will grab your attention.

This page is the clearing house for daily posts on the individual blogs.

The center column are thematic "meta" blogs, with links to individual blogs. Or, you can access the individual blogs directly on the left-hand column.


Sunday, January 20, 2013


Good New Year.

I have been in somewhat of a hibernation, for lack of a better word, though having been traveling and whatnot, and, as a result, Indra's Net has been dormant.

At times, we need to step back, and just be silent, so I have been silent.

Much has happened since I last wrote, and much of it will inform future posts, but not as to dwell on the Past, but rather to inform the Future with the Present at hand.

Whale Songs

High Noon, not so OK

Plato's Black Swan

The White Trees

Rumoured to be True